Disappointing China’s trade figures urges for swift easing in Covid-19 curbs

China’s trade figures came out with a worrying plunge today, justifying Beijing moves that is geared towards easing the Zero-Covid policy as apparently it is considered as a major hinder at the moment.
A retreat in the exports for November by 8.7%, the biggest slip since the most critical phase of Covid-19.
On the other hand, the imports declined by 10.6%. The two figures went way lower than the expectations.
The released data was massively affected by the emergence of a new wave of the pandemic and the big slowdown in the demand worldwide that was quite obvious in some indications like the shipping rates that slumped by 50%.
An updated plan for easing the strict curbs and facilitate the need to conduct Covid-19 tests to access public areas was declared today by the central government in Beijing,